A Health and Safety Policy outlines the approach a business takes to ensuring the health and safety of persons and employees at work.
For businesses with five or more employees, it is a legal requirement to have a written health and safety policy. A health and safety policy will demonstrate an employer’s commitment to health and safety while giving instructions and information to employees, customers and other interested parties who have contact with the business.
This document shall provide:
A statement on the general policy of health and safety of the business and what should be achieved through its implementation;
The responsibilities of relevant persons for specific actions to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations; and
What arrangements shall be made by the business in practical terms in order to ensure compliance and implementation of the policy.
Please note that this document requires companies to carry out risk assessments and other practices required of employers by the Health and Safety Executive.
Contact us today and our consultant will be in touch to gather more information.
Pricing: £150.00 Excluding VAT
How to use Your Policy
This document should be made easily available with and communicated to any employees of the business. It is common to display a health and safety policy in an easily accessible, public area so that any persons who may be connected with the business in any way can see the commitment the business has made to upholding standards of health and safety.
Many employers may deal with their employees’ acceptance of and delivery of this policy in a Company Handbook or in/alongside an employee’s Contract of Employment.
In order for this policy to be valid and effective it must be signed and dated by the most senior person in the company. This may be the employer himself or the most senior person acting on behalf of the company, e.g. Managing Director. It is the duty of the employer or the most senior person in the company to ensure that aims, responsibilities and arrangements contained within this document are carried out.
Please note that should this policy be revised or altered at any time, these revisions and alterations must be communicated effectively to employees at the earliest opportunity.
DynamIQ is able to create your bespoke H&S policy with you.
This process begins with a telephone conversation where our team will gauge a better understanding of the risks associated with your business activities and those managing the processes involved in controlling these risks. We are on hand to advise you on all of these matters, working closely with our customers to assist and enable them to more easily manage their Health and Safety.
DynamIQ will guide you on how to use and implement these essential health and safety procedures to help you manage your health and safety responsibilities on a day-to-day basis.
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At DynamIQ Safety, we specialise in the Construction & Civil Engineering sectors; we build long lasting relationships by providing an upfront, reliable & friendly service.
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