View our range of
Health & Social Care courses:
Autism Awareness
Dementia Awareness
Diabetes Awareness
Dignity and Privacy
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Duty of Care
End of Life Care
Epilepsy Awareness
Handling Information in a Care Setting
Health and Safety in a Care Setting
Infection Control
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage
Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines
Learning Disability Awareness
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards
Mental Health Awareness
Nutrition and Hydration
Person-Centred Care
Positive Handling in Schools
Prevent Duty
Principles of Communication
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Sharps Awareness
Stroke Awareness
Understanding your Role in Care
Your Personal Development
Support is just a phone call away
At DynamIQ Safety, we specialise in the Construction & Civil Engineering sectors; we build long lasting relationships by providing an upfront, reliable & friendly service.
Talk with the experts today to get started.